The world gets brighter, as we get lighter..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Finally A Break.

I don't have to go to classes for a whole week! I'm so excited. No getting up early. No tests to study for. Nothing.. Well a little. lol I have a little homework I have to do and a take home test.. But it shouldn't be too hard. =)

I'm going to see my boyfriend tonight again. He's sick and needs babying. lol I miss him like crazy the first few days I don't see him.

This morning I woke up and weighed myself. I'm at 137 even now. I haven't been sticking to my plan, but I'm still losing. So I'm okay with that. I've started not eating after 4pm and I'm drinking a lot of liquids. If I can lose two pounds a week I'll be down to 125 by New Years. I'm pretty excited about that.

The current battle is Thanksgiving.. I have two I have to attend.. I'm thinking maybe a fast the day before.. but then I might be more inclined to binge.. I haven't decided anything yet.

Some thinspo.


dayofmine said...

Is your break from school for Thanksgiving? I'm happy that I won't have classes that day! A little break will be nice.

A.beautiful.mess said...

Yay for a week off :)

And well done on maintaining at 137. I'm going to try not to eat and drink after 7pm. 4pm is too early for me, I'll just be setting myself up to fail.

Good luck with Thanksgiving.