The world gets brighter, as we get lighter..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Could Have Been Better.

So after I left my boyfriends Saturday, I didn't eat anything at all until this morning. That was my longest fast I've ever been able to do. 42 1/2 hours.

I wish I would have gotten on the scale and it would have said 139.. However I can't expect to not have consequences from my actions. I weighed 141.0. That's an all in all .2 lbs. gain. Not horrible but more than I'd hoped for.

Anyway, I had an egg(70) and 2 slices of whole wheat light rye toast(60) with 2Tbls. of black olive hummus(35). I also had a glass of chocolate milk(125). I splurged a little, but my Grandparent aren't home and I didn't have time to make coffee.

I'll eat a salad(120) with a diet soda. Then I'll have nature valley granola bars(190) and a green tea(120).

My total intake will be about 720 calories today.

I'll update this later, put some thinspo up, and comment on you guys' blogs later before work.

Okay, so I've done some thinking.. and what I've realized is I'm absolutely Terrified of starvation mode.. I've also calculated up that my body(just my body. like my brain, heart, constantly breathing, my body. No exercise, walking or anything included) used about 900 calories a day just to function. I was on a fast for 42 hours and I understand that I binged before hand, but I still gained..
So I've made these new rules and here they are:

  • Every other day eat a Least 900 calories
  • Never eat more than 1000 calories on any given day
  • Only fast on a days when you can eat less than 900 calories
  • One fast a week
I have no definite calorie set for the days I won't be eating a full 900 calories, but that's because it could be anywhere from fasting to 800 calories. 

I don't know if this will work, but I Will Not Plateau!

Today I started the day correctly, however I went kind of crazy earlier. But it was okay because I was mostly under control and I will be ending my day with 900 calories Even. Tomorrow I will eat a lesser amount.

I go back to my boyfriends house on Friday.. I REALLY hope he's not feeling super hospitable and wants to cook again. Last time I went he cooked spaghetti and buscuits. Then the next morning we had omelets and toast.. I Made him pick up some splenda though so I didn't add to all that with sugar in my coffee. I also told him he couldn't cook while I was down because I always eat so unhealthily.. we'll see if that works.

Maybe I can get him to take me out and I can order a salad. I recently fallen in love with low fat balsamic vinaigrette. Oh! and hummus! Hummus is made out of chick peas(which are one of the most fiber backed foods that lack a lot of calories).

The thinspiration of the day.

Her legs are crossed and Still don't touch.. How can that even be possible? I want them so bad..


Run said...

I think we all wish the scales would say something different. I'd love it to shave 20lbs off lol.

Does green tea really have 120 calories? I can't say I am a fan of it, but I always thought it was 0 calories.

A.beautiful.mess said...

I lost weight, had a shit day and gained it back.

I'm also worried about starvation mode but a) I eat too much so starvation mode is never gonna happen and b) you have to be restricting for a really long time for your body to go into starvation mode.