The world gets brighter, as we get lighter..

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Rough Few Days..

So I think I've mentioned on here before that my Aunt, her husband, and two kids are living with my grandparents and I because they are between houses.

My uncle is in the military and was stationed in Germany. Well they finally got stationed here at home, but they didn't want to live in their house that they owned the whole time they lived in Germany. They wanted to sell it and live with us while they look for a new house(instead of looking for one when they were in Germany). So all four of them have lived here since August. They were only suppose to be here for a month Tops but they have been here for almost two and the housing arrangement they are planning on following through with will be keeping them here for at least another month…. That would be fine. It really would. I'd be okay with that. BUT her kids are boys, 6 and 8, and they are Horrible kids. I love them to death but she has done a horrible job with them! The 8 year old (mind you he's about to be 9) was having a sandwich made for him for lunch the other day.. We asked him repeatedly what he wanted on it and we finally got everything he wanted on it out of him. Well when we gave the sandwich to him, he immediately asked "Did you put mustard on it?" "Yes. I did." "Did you put mayo on it?" "You didn't ask for mayo" (He screams this part by the way in a why are you beating me manner) "Why didn't you put mayo on it?! I wanted mayo! I said mayo!" This is being screamed at the top of his lungs. They both do this with EVERYTHING. Everything. I get woken up anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours before I get up for school each day by their screaming and hollering over various things. It's ridiculous and inconsiderate on my aunt part.

She also doesn't have a job ither. She's not paying rent and she doesn't help cook, clean, or anything.

So I've been very irritated with this. Well yesterday afternoon we finally had it out. She had no excuses for anything and she lied mostly through all of it. She was like "Fuck you." "Get the fuck out of my face." "Get the fuck out of the house."

Hahahahaha! I laughed at this. I was like "This is My house. I Live here. You are staying here temporarily. I will leave when I want to and if you just can't stand that You can get out!"

She acted like such a child and on top of that she started all this in Front of her children! It made me so angry.

Anyway, that's why I didn't get on yesterday and post or comment. Oh! and I broke my iPhone in an Otter Box! I got so mad and just slammed it down on the counter trying to make a point to my aunt during the fight and it broke it! I have to use a tiny flip go-phone now. I just ordered an iPhone 4 last week though so I'll just be with this phone until Friday. I can't wait until that phone comes in! I'm so excited! ^_^

Anyway, on top of that fight (which I didn't binge after btw ^_^) I weighed 141 this morning.. I will get out of these damn 40's eventually! >.<

I've had over 900 but not over 1000 calories today, so I'm doing okay. =)

Anyway, I don't have to work tomorrow so I'll comment then, but right now I need to go to bed. lol It's calling my name. =)

Some thinspiration.

1 comment:

A.beautiful.mess said...

Those children sound like brats no offence. I have a cousin aged 8 and he gives people such attitude and is so disrespectful that I get so angry at him. It's probably the age but sometimes I think parents should do a better job at parenting.

If I had pulled a stunt like that when I was that age, my mother would have given me one look and I would have immediately shut up.

Your aunt seems pretty unappreciative, you and your grandparents are doing them a favour so her behaviour is inappropriate.

I hope things get better and that they treat you better.

On the subject of weight, it's always so difficult to go from one range to another. I can't wait til I'm in the 50kg range as oppose to this sucky 60kg range.

stay strong :)
