The world gets brighter, as we get lighter..

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Don't Know What To Say..

Sorry for not commenting on you guys' blogs lately.. I've been.. Well eating horribly. I've not been eating more than a normal person would, but I haven't been restricting. My boyfriend makes it so easy.. I've probably gained. However, I have no idea because like I've been avoiding you because of shame, I've been avoiding the scale because of fear.

If I've gained, I'll become depressed and if I become depressed, I'll eat. If I eat, I'll gain and if I gain, I'll become depressed.. An endless cycle..

Anyway, I just got off work and I need to go to bed now because school comes early, but I'll comment on all you guys' blogs tomorrow.

Some thinspiration.

Oh. I fasted today. Coffee, Green tea, and a little bit of skim milk.


A.beautiful.mess said...

I'm sorry you feel so rotten. I'm sure you haven't gained. You're not eating more than a normal person so I reckon you'll be alright.

it's tempting to stay away from blogger when you feel like you're not doing so well.

stay strong!

lots of love

Anonymous said...

Never avoid us, Lovely.

That is why we are here. We WANT to help you through your tough times.

We help each other!

Thinking of you always. Stay strong.