The world gets brighter, as we get lighter..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Pitiful Lie.

So I got up this morning and weighed myself. I lost .4 pounds. That's not enough. I want to be 140 by Friday. I go to see my boyfriend that day. So I Need to be 140 by then. I weigh 142.8.. so it should be possible.

He made the comment last night that he loves every part of my body. I know he was just lying to make me feel better though. He accidentally insulted me. Well.. Let me just tell you the story.

I was looking at Halloween costumes and I said the Harley Quinn one was an option. His response to that was, "Baby, your boobs won't fill that suit up. It will be baggy." My thoughts: You know.. I know the various sizes of my body.. Better than anyone really. I look at this blob of a body every fucking day, Multiple times! My response, "I know how big or small I am in all the areas of my body! I know I have small boobs. I know I have thunder thighs the size of Texas, Each! I know what looks bad on my body. I don't need people telling me what I shouldn't wear." That's when he apologized, "Baby, you don't have thunder thighs. I love every part of your body." Yeah… He knew he messed up and just wanted to make me feel better.

Anyway, I started looking up starvation mode this morning and it got me scared of decreasing the speed of my already slow metabolism… I'm so stupid. I ate a half bowl of honey nut cheerios with skim milk and half a no bake chocolate cookie for breakfast with a full glass of cranberry juice(half juice, half water). I have no clue how many calories I consumed.

For lunch I decided to get a salad. I usually get a half salad(60), but I decided against the parfait so I got a full salad(120). I've eaten half of it with a diet coke and I'm full. I'll eat the other half just before work. Then on break I'll have a green tea(120) and if I'm super hungry I'll have my granola bars(190).

I am fasting tomorrow. Only coffee(skim milk and splenda only), green tea, juice(watered down half and half), and diet soda are allowed.

HeatherMB: Thanks. I really hope so. My recent weight loss has been slow..

Christina: Haha you're welcome. Yeah I try to keep it under 700 but sometimes I go over. Thanks. I got that for my 18th birthday. =)

William: Don't ever worry about your comments being too long on my blog. =)

Run: Haha I Very much doubt I'm smaller than you. You also have to remember I carry my weight in my hips, thighs, and butt. lol And those pictures I don't have the guts to post. Yeah I felt like shit after that lady said that to me..

The thinspiration of the day.


William said...

Great! I hope your not too upset about your boyfriend, us guys can be pretty stupid. ;) I also have a terrible metabolism and am constantly having to try and reboot it. When you don't eat it can be pretty hard to tell though. I've found quite a few, fairly confirmed tips for getting it going again. If you'd like me to share them just let me know! :)
P.S. Even I know it would be ridiculous for a guy to have legs like that but god would I kill for them. </3

kes said...

Guys can say some stupid things. They don't always think things through before they say them. Your intake sounds great for today. Mostly healthy foods, which is good. Good luck fasting tomorrow!

A.beautiful.mess said...

I think it's a well established point that guys can say silly things without thinking of the consequences.

I know your fasting day is already over but hopefully you survived it and it wasn't too bad. I'm not very good at fasting so kudos to you :)